Have you ever felt like that the problems that you are facing right now, are gonna be what matters the most in your life. I hate feeling that way. Even though you know that the future is gonna change everything, you just can't help but feel that way. Sometimes it feels like life is going no where you want it to and that it never will and you're never gonna get what you want,even though the things you want keep changing. I always try to reassure myself about things like that and sure, it makes me feel better for a small amount of time. So what I do is try to live life differently and occupy myself with other things, so it gets my mind off things. But when I'm at an all time low, whenever, all those emotions pour out and I just can't stop it. I start thinking too much, and I think its just a terrible thing. Of course I know that life will change sooner or later but right now it just feels like everything is dull and its just gonna stay the same and I will never learn from my past and just let it repeat itself constantly. All of this reassuring does not last long but they help for the time being. But the only way I think to move on is to find something or someone new to attract to and always show that you are strong.